Outreach and Mission

The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome: “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are man are one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have
different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Romans 12:4-6.

Outreach and Missions Committee is responsible for ministries of fellowship, compassion, and unification within and outside our
church. We believe that we are a part of a world-wide church, and as such we are called to reach out to our world in compassion and service.

Our congregation care includes the following:
Shepherding: Includes calls, cards, and visitation to members who are unable to attend services long or short term. A card
ministry extends shepherding by sending cards in times of joy or sadness.

Milestone Celebrations: Recognition of individuals on their 90th birthdays. Children participate to bond the generations.

Birthday Fellowships: After-services refreshments honoring birthday celebrants each month.

Summer Lunches:  During the summer we put special emphasis on providing foods for kids; i.e., healthy snacks, juice boxes, etc. in addition to providing canned goods, etc.

Outreach ministries support the needy in the community and beyond.

Souper Bowl of Caring
: Provides cans of
soup and other foods, as well as financial
help, to local food ministries.

Seafarers’ Christmas boxes: Since the 1980s the Outreach program has taken
gift-wrapped boxes of useful items to the Seafarer’s Center at the Port of

Society of Samaritans: (S.O.S.) Financial aid as well as individual involvement provide
help for the needy in the area.  Learn more at http://WWW.SOCIETYOFSAMARITANSTX.ORG

team volunteersTomball Emergency Assistance Ministry (T.E.A.M.)
: Financial
assistance and volunteering help provide food, clothing, and
household items for the needy.  Learn more at https://teamtomball.com/

Tomagwa: Financial aid as well as individual involvement provide help for the needy in the area.  In addition, TOMAGWA provides medical care/dental care for the uninsured in the area.  Learn more at https://tomagwa.org/

Honoring our Veterans on Veterans Day

christmas familyThe congregation provides Christmas dinner and gifts for needy families in the
community each year.

Knit caps for babys and children

Volunteers are giving their time to T.E.A.M . on Wednesday afternoons to work in the resale shop. Income from sales in turn supports the food pantry which then helps the needy in our community.