Jesus told a parable about servants who were given specific amounts to steward while their master was away. Those who made use of what they were given were commended with the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21
Jesus said whoever would be great in God’s kingdom should become the servant of all. We believe we are called to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us and the resources we have at our disposal. Our charge is to use the resources God has given us to grow our church and serve our world. This Committee is responsible for Long Range Planning, for setting our annual budget, supervising our Information Technology, our Personnel and Property issues, and…paying the bills.
This committee also oversees the construction and maintenance of the physical structures and the giving of time, talent, and money. We are the committee that does a lot of the behind the scenes work to make sure the church is well maintained and is conducive to worshiping the Lord. The other major activity for this Committee is the Stewardship Campaign which is traditionally conducted during October. The purpose is simply to encourage everyone to think about the many blessings the Lord has provided and what the Lord asks each of us to do with our time, talents, and gifts. Once a year we ask the membership to make a pledge of time, labor and money toward the coming year. We ask members to fill out a Time sheet indicating the areas where they wish to volunteer their time and an anonymous pledge card indicating the amount of money they will pledge toward the ministry and mission of our church in the coming year. It will give us an idea of what to expect in income so we can budget appropriately for the coming year. We set a budget based on the amount the congregation has pledged. We also strive to involve our members in the life of our church. We believe that every member has a message, a ministry (within the church) and a mission (outside the church). Come help us find ways to serve others so we too can be counted by Jesus as “great in God’s kingdom.”